We hope you will find the answers to all your questions here, by if not, please give us a call, we'd love to hear from you. Alternatively, book a time to come and visit our centres, one of our management team will happily show you around and tell you everything you need to know.
What to pack
We love to let the children explore and learn through play, which often means getting messy or wet. Here a few things we suggest to include in your child's bag:​
Two or three changes of clothes
Rash shirt and hat in summer
Beanie and raincoat in winter
Drink bottle
Bottle and formula if needed
Cuddly or other comforter
Sleep aids (i.e. sleep suit)
Meal times
Before every meal, each child washes their hands. We have a variety of seats to assist with meal times and sitting at a table. We use glasses and crockery to reduce our environmental impact and help teach children to be gentle. We encourage children to clean up after themselves (where age-appropriate). We have morning tea at 9.30am, lunch at 11.30am and afternoon tea at 3pm.
Mat time
Mat time is a great opportunity to bring all the children together. We read books, sing songs and celebrate special occasions such as birthdays.
Bush Kindy
Our tamariki enjoy our weekly Bush Kindy excursions in the Johnson Reserve. Our oldest children from our Babies and Toddlers centre have Bush Kindy one morning a week, and our Preschoolers go on a Tuesday and Thursday.
Summer sun safety
In the summer months, we ask all parents to sunscreen your children before bringing them to daycare for the day. We reapply sunscreen throughout the day. If you have a specific type of sunscreen used for your child, we are happy to accommodate this if you supply it. We advise parents to pack a rash shirt with long sleeves as we are often outside engaging in water play. Please also pack a wide brim hat every day.
Sleep routines
We have a dedicated sleep room with cots for our babies. The room is kept warm and dim and we use white noise to help the babies settle and have a restful sleep. We follow the necessary sleep times you keep at home as to not disrupt any routines.
For our toddlers who require a day sleep, we have a sleep space in our studio room. Each child has their own mattress and bed linen which is kept in a named bag and washed weekly. A teacher sits with children as they drift off. Sleep times are recorded on a chart which you can check on pickup.
Transition visits to school
We visit the new entrant class at Selwyn Ridge Primary School during school terms. Our oldest preschoolers visit every Wednesday from 10am – 11am in preparation for heading off to school.